It was a good 2 1/2 hour drive to the maternity home from the airport so we stopped for lunch on the way. Zach took Nevelle (the true definition of a 2yr. old boy- total ball of energy!) to the play area at the restaurant so Katerina and I could talk, mom to mom. We both spoke from our hearts, held hands across the table and cried grateful tears. I will never forget that moment, in the middle of a Chick-fil-A. :-)
Throughout the drive we chatted and got to know Katerina as best we could. We asked all about her Czech background and culture, learned her favorite movie, music, sports, hobbies, etc. We laughed a lot, something I prayed for specifically (thanks Lord). :-) The details of the conversation wouldn't interest anyone but us, but I can say with certainty that we fell more in love with her. We bonded quickly with Nevelle and he seemed to trust us instantly. In just one afternoon it seemed we became a family, and I guess in many ways we are. We will be connected to them for the rest of our child's life.
When we got to the maternity home we helped Katerina settle in to her room. Nevelle immediately found the playroom full of toys and he was on cloud nine. The home was nothing to boast about, but it was very spacious and cozy feeling. Katerina received a warm welcome and she told me she felt very comfortable there. Before leaving I gave her a bag of new clothes I'd bought for Nevelle (perfect too, b/c she had to remove 30lbs. of clothes from her luggage at the airport in Baltimore b/c her suitcase was overweight!) and a Visa giftcard to help her with groceries and other needs. She cried and gave me the longest hug I've ever received. Money is just money, but the blessing of giving her the lift she needs to get through this period in her life is priceless. She is making the greatest sacrifice a mother can make and we're benefiting from it...the least we can do is make sure she can buy groceries. While unpacking her bags she pulled out a copy of the profile book we made for the adoption agency. She said, "I take this with me everywhere I go. I'm never without it." I didn't have words.
We left her and Nevelle after we sure they were settled and had everything they needed. We promised to visit, and we even planned to take them into San Francisco for a day and show them the sights! Katerina's never been to California before so we thought we'd show her everything we can while she's here. Once she gets her medical coverage taken care of and an appointment set with her new doctor I'll head down there to visit the doctor with her. I'd especially like to be there for her next ultrasound and hopefully find out the gender of the baby.
We know so many of you were thinking of us and praying for us today. Know your prayers were felt and deeply appreciated. We continue to stand amazed at all the people God has put in our lives to support us during this process. We couldn't get through it without you! Thank you also for praying for Katerina. I told her we had friends and family praying for her and she was so grateful and touched.