We got a phone call today from our agency- a 25 yr. old mom in Anaheim (Southern CA) gave birth to a 6lb baby girl this morning, Nov 1st. Baby is completely healthy, and mom has remained detached from the beginning (baby is not rooming with mom or being fed by her). The father is unknown and therefore out of the picture. Mom is Filipino and dad was at least half Filipino. Mom's family does not know anything about the pregnancy, but she lives with her mother and siblings. She didn't even know she was pregnant until she was 28 weeks along, and she tried to get an abortion when she found out. Thankfully, she was too far along to terminate the pregnancy.
She met with a social worker tonight, and she will be able to sign off her rights as soon as she gets discharged from the hospital (hopefully tomorrow morning). Baby will also be discharged tomorrow morning, so we are driving to Anaheim at the crack of dawn to be there when that happens. If all goes as we hope, we will be taking the baby home with us after mom's rights are completely terminated sometime tomorrow. We will be staying overnight there, and driving back home with the baby on Thursday (Anne's 29th birthday!!).
We are, as usual, cautiously optimistic. We will not take a real breath until the papers are signed. Anything can happen until then. Please pray we get a solid night's sleep tonight and for safe travels on the road tomorrow. Pray for peace in our hearts and that we will remain continually surrendered to the Lord's will, whatever that may be. We will post again tomorrow afternoon from the hotel, prayerfully, with our new baby girl in our arms.
Love and gratitude to you all.
A & Z <3