Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oh BOY...

I (Anne) was so blessed to go with Katerina for her ultrasound on Friday. We were both very anxious and excited. Kat was so certain it was a girl that she wore all pink (even her shoes!). I hoped she was right, but I also knew how much Zach wanted a son so I resolved in my mind to be happy either way. Theresa (the director of the maternity home Kat is staying at) also came along. When the three of us sat down in the doctor's office Theresa asked the technician, "Could you print doubles of the pictures? We have both the adoptive mom and the biological mom here." It was the first time someone (other than Zach and Kat) referred to me as this baby's mom. I could feel it sinking in.

I've never seen an ultrasound done in person before. It was an incredible experience. I was especially mesmerized with watching the baby's heart beat. I just kept thinking how miraculous it all was. Throughout the ultrasound the baby kicked and moved continuously (Kat says the baby does that non-stop anyway). We could see it's legs moving and kicking and it made things so much more REAL. For almost thirty minutes the technician moved around and focused in on all the different body parts, but she couldn't tell what gender it was. Kat and I were beginning to think we might not be able to find out and we were really disappointed. Then I just started whispering to the baby to "cooperate please" (like any mother would when their kid is being difficult). Sure enough, minutes later HE revealed himself and it was quite clear we were having a SON!

He's developing normally- all his organs are in good shape and he's already weighing a little over 2lbs. Kat is doing great as well. We are so grateful for their good health!

The due date has been moved just a few days from January 1st to January 6th now (our wedding anniversary!), and the doctor said as long as Kat delivers after Dec 16th the baby will be fine.

I couldn't wait to get home (a very long 2 1/2 hr. drive!) to tell Zach. I brought four beautiful sonogram photos with me. We can even see his facial expression and his little fists! It's pretty awesome. I surprised Zach with a blue baby jumper with blue smiley faces all over it, and an "It's a Boy" balloon. He was ecstatic! :-)

Now, to pick a name....