After WEEKS of discussing and searching through lists and lists of boy's names, we ended up right back where we started... with a name we'd picked out early on in our marriage, three years ago! It was very important to Zach for our son's name to have a strong meaning, a name he could live up to and be proud of. I (Anne), was more focused on the more "unusual" and unique names. So, we did both. :-) We chose the name Caleb Brenner.
We the love the story of friendship between Joshua & Caleb in the book of Numbers. The Lord chose Joshua & Caleb to enter the Promised Land over all the other Israelites. Numbers 14:24 says, "But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it." The name Caleb is Hebrew for "faith, devotion & whole-hearted." We feel this is exactly what we want our son to be.