I had yet another good conversation with Katerina the other day. We try to connect with her once a week just to check in and say hello. She told me she's now entered the "uncomfortable" phase of her pregnancy- swollen feet, bad heartburn and a significant drop in her energy level. I sympathized with her and reminded her just how appreciative we are to her for her sacrifice. Her doctor put her on medication to help lower her blood pressure because it's very high. (Please pray she'll have more opportunities to rest and slow down, especially while chasing after a 2yr. old!)
I told her we picked the name 'Caleb' (a little hesitantly because I wasn't sure she'd like it), and to my relief, she LOVED it. I explained what the name means and I told her the story of Caleb in the Bible. She was very happy with our selection. :-)
Kat mentioned to me that she's been painting something for the baby. (She's an art history major and she loves to paint and sculpt.) This brought tears to my eyes. Zach and I had thought about asking her to make something for Caleb, but we didn't want her to feel obligated. I'm so glad she decided to create something for him as a keepsake. I know we'll treasure it forever.
I asked her if she'd find it helpful to write in a journal during this time as a way to express her thoughts and feelings. She could either keep it for herself to remind her of this time, or gift it to Caleb when he's born as a way for him to stay connected with her. She really liked the idea, so I picked out a journal and mailed it to her. I hope she finds comfort and peace as she fills the pages.
Kat continually asks me if Zach and I are getting excited for baby. It makes me laugh a bit because I think, "What else would we be?" but it seems important for her to be reassured we are indeed looking forward to being parents of her child. It occurred to me that she can't trust us TOO much, so the more I can reassure her the better.
I asked Kat if she was still planning on returning to the Czech Republic after Caleb is born. She said she'd probably stay at the maternity home for recovery and counseling about a month, then she'd like to take Nevelle and travel the U.S a bit before heading back. She's never seen anything outside of Maryland and California and she may never have an opportunity to return to the U.S after leaving. Kat really wants to take a trip with Nevelle and create some memories with him before they join her family in the Czech Republic. She said her plan is to make the final trek back there in late spring/early summer. I totally affirmed her in her plan- it sounds like the time traveling and bonding with Nevelle could be such a blessing after enduring the adoption.
Please be praying for Kat this week, as her goal was to tell her mother the news of her pregnancy. She also will be taking a driving test to get a U.S drivers license. She'd like more freedom to leave the house when she wants and not be limited to the schedule of the home director. Pray she passes! :)