Tuesday, February 8, 2011

In the Shadow of His Hand

A week or so ago Zach and I agreed we should find a book to read through together, preferably one that would help us through our circumstance. Before heading to the bookstore I decided to sift through the shelves and shelves of books we already owned to see if something struck my eye. I came across a book I read YEARS ago (as in at least 8+) called "The Shadow of His Hand" by Judith Couchman. I couldn't remember what I loved so much about the book that I felt it was worth keeping, but flipping through the pages I saw LOTS of underlining. The subtitle of the book is "When life disappoints, you can rest in God's comfort and grace." Exactly what we needed! I showed it to Zach and we decided to read through a little bit each night before we go to sleep.

Here just a few of the the things God's been telling us through Judith Couchman...

"Suddenly we don't understand much of anything because God didn't perform as we thought he would or should. We're hurt and afraid, confused and probably angry. Who knows what our wobbly selves might threaten to do? If Somebody up there still cares, he'd better reach through that cloud and clutch us with all his might. And that's exactly what God says he'll do." (p.11)

"...when we're hurt we should allow ourselves enough time to grieve in proportion to the event that stabbed us...Take time to feel the pain, but don't stay there forever. It's the way to eventually heal.." (p.15)

"Especially at first, settling under the Lord's hand can feel restricting and uncomfortable, but with time we learn to appreciate what he accomplishes in us as we reside there. If we allow God to lovingly work, we'll eventually emerge wiser, stronger, better. We'll look back and cherish the time spent in his shadow." (p.38)