Monday, March 21, 2011

Waiting for Providence

After spending all day on pins and needles, we finally got the phone call from Sister Davida after Chrystal's doctor appointment. Both Chrystal and the baby are very healthy, no complications to be seen. The sonogram showed it's a GIRL!! She's already over 7lbs, and she's dropped into position for delivery. The "official" due date is one week from tomorrow, March 29th! We were beyond thrilled and tears were shed. It's unbelievable that we could be FINALLY be parents in a matter of DAYS!

We've chosen the name Providence Joy for our daughter. Her name means God sustained and guided our destiny; God has provided for us joy. The reason we chose it is obvious isn't it? :-) We are still marveling at the way this all came together. We spent months wondering where the goodness of God was when Katerina changed her mind. But if we had not experienced that loss, if we had not brought Katerina to the maternity home, Sister Davida would never have known about us, never have known to call us and offer us a chance to adopt Providence...